Psychics Authentic, USA - Helping you to believe in psychics again! Let us be your new and final psychic network!

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Since we want to be your newest and final psychic network choice, we put our heads together and contrasted our methods with some of the most popular misconceptions, schemes, hooks and questionable methods that some ethically questionable psychic networks employ.

Professional authentic live psychics!!

(Not an automated reading of your daily newspaper horoscope. Our psychics are live psychic human beings.)

You can talk to your psychic 24 hours / 7 days a week!!

(That is right! No 9 to 5 here. ANYTIME you feel like calling go ahead and call! For the best in psychic consultations, call right now!)

USA:  1-888-544-7555, 1-800-952-6338
USA:  1-900-990-7217
888/800 is $3.99 per minute. 900 is $4.99 per minute. Must be 18 yrs old.

We have repeat callers!!

(Our callers know a good thing when they hear it and we feel that the best measure of our psychics is how often you call! Why would we give you shoddy advice or mislead you when we realize all you have to do is not call back? We treat our clients with the best intentions AND we treat them to the best in psychic advice. This is why they call back again and again and again...)

We offer to you no gimmicks!!

(We won't give you a crystal pendant or a calling card for calling us. You get only what you call for -- Authentic psychic advice and guidance!)

We do not offer exaggerations!!

(Our psychics are genuine! GREAT! ...NOT apocalyptic prophets for goodness sake...well, maybe a couple. Bottom line is if you don't listen to our psychics we can't help! You  have to help us help you and no infomercial in the world can convey that we feel.)

We take no celebrity endorsements!!

(Wouldn't you rather have your money go toward quality psychic abilities rather than a celebrity we have to pay to tell YOU you should call?)

We don't like busy signals!!

(We want you to know how good our psychics are and that means being able to get through! Once in a while there may be a busy signal but that tells us we need to distribute more lines through the we do!)

It's confidential!! (Read our Privacy Policy here!)

(No mailing lists, no announcements that you've called to other companies. These other guys may want your credit card information specifically for these reasons. It's quite a scam. When you call us for psychic advice, that is ALL we're selling -- Genuine psychic advice!)

There are no minimum minutes to buy!! No clubs to join!!

(No "Free 5 minute" gimmicks. No charging for 7 when you were on for 5! We're upfront because we're the real thing, we know it, our customers know it, and we have the repeat callers to prove it!!)


Live Psychics Standing By 24 hours a day 7 days a week! Call right now!

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Since August 11, 2001. Bookmark this site to return OR request your own personal number on a convenient-to-carry card through the postal mail, marked personal and confidential by clicking here. [You will not be solicited by Psychics Authentic, USA, PhoneDate, USA, or anyone else that may be affiliated with us. View policies for more information.] Copyright© 1997-2006. Psychics Authentic, USA. All rights reserved. Last updated or reviewed for accuracy March 02, 2006. Thanks for visiting! We hope you're enlightened even if you don't choose our services at this time.